Rugdee Australia
Photos from Thailand
FREE Astrology Report
Brunches Perth Australia
Astrology Introduction
Aries March 21 - April 19
Conjunct the Ascendant
Conjunct Midheaven
Chinese Zodiac Dates
Chinese Zodiac 2004
Jupiter Transits
Astrology This Week
Astrology two weeks important events
Aries-Taurus-Gemini 2004 to 2011
Cancer-Leo-Virgo 2004 to 2011
Libra-Scorpio-Sagittarius 2004 to 2011
Capricorn-Aquarius-Pisces 2004 to 2011
My life, time and experiences
Important Events 2004 and what to expect
Zodiac Down-Side 2004
1st Lord in the 12 Houses
2nd Lord in the 12 Houses
3rd Lord in the 12 Houses
Zodiac Health Watch!
Money Signs
Planet Pluto
Neptune Rules
Prenatal Eclipses
Phases of the Moon
Zodiac Children
Horoscope Q & E
Zodiac Moon Signs
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Astrology is not always about what you want, and the quick fixed to the problems that are belittling you for now!

What you want is the working of the thought processors in your mind in order to make things or life better. It surely does not mean that the press of a button and youll be served can we only hope? Like life and growth, preparations take time and a good mixed with experience of facts, knowledge, findings and some lucky timing (hopefully readily available). With this in hand, the Astrological readings can be made available through your Astrological findings and to indicate the likely events as they appear and when they are likely to present themselves.

There is always that enthusiasm for wanting me-own-ways of getting the best results, but not always the result to fit the demands. You might be lucky to have a here and now success, but that is often a gamblers dream. What comes easy goes easy as well, with more wants and discontentment that are likely to follow.  

The good Astrological-Consultant applying realistic measures, and timing of events through examining your personal data and details can visualise, and indicate the good and trouble events, and cycles when they are likely to become applicable to your requirement and purpose. 

Some of your interest may not telly with the interest that is applying at the time? This does not mean that the Astrological Consultant does not have the foggiest idea to understand your urgent needs. The good Consultant will find the best suitable time when your needs can be address and is very much to your benefit and of long-term interest. Good things do take time and better things do take money and the right help to achieve! Whatever happen, never lose your will to succeed, there will be good times and bad ones, by not giving up (though it hurts) will give you a better chance to reach your purpose and lifes mission.

The more we are tested, the better experienced we will be! Sure, the I cant take it any more will often come-up, and you dont have to be weak to owned up to those words. It is the universal fact of life and it applies to one and all. Only when we come to the pause-point we will bring out our deepest sensors for our purpose and the check and balance to our life.

We are often too busy people and for good reasons (I hope). With todays demands and pressure, it is difficult not to be at fault in the scheme of things. Those who make the time do get the better out of life. You will hear these good old words in common, work with a plan, system and get organised. It all boils down to structural living, and that is as good as old grandmas recipe from days- gone-bye. Coming out picture perfect, tasty every time and ingrained in her heart and mind with love and great devotion.

Most of us today will call it a piece of cake, not really wanting to understanding the real issues behind the purpose, or the point to it, but used it as though life goes on and theres nothing more to it. The present simple living is becoming the state of the art and it may not be too bad, from time-to-time, to get back to basic and to nourish our roots, ties, and in a way so that happiness can come filtering in. Money is not security, but it sure can help pay the bills! Surely, life must be one better than that as a contact point that pulse our living and give it meaning through the impermanence in life! 



Roy Rugdee


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